8 Thoughts on a snowy commute
England seems to have been hit with the monstrous #BeastFromTheEast, which has brought cold winds, icy climates and masses of snow through its travel. Because of this, masses of commuters who are trying to go about their way to work have been hit the dreaded six letter word NO ONE wants to hear:
D E L A Y S.
Whilst you grumble about paying a fortune for travel for it to not work, here are some little thoughts you might have en route to work that might brighten up your day.
1) "Trains delayed, bus delayed, anything else want to be delayed?"
2) "Could you not push in? Can't you see there's a queue to get into this icicle of a train?"
3) "I wonder how my toes are? I haven't felt them in a while. Wonder if I still have them."
4) "Everything does look prettier covered in snow."
5) "No wait never mind, I think I've just stepped in some dog deliveries."
6) "Ice, ice, ice. What was the walk the BBC recommended again?"
7) "I've got this, I've got this, I've got- oops, never mind."
8) "Ah finally into work. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to get home..."