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5 Ways to encourage self care at work

Valentine's day will be here soon and many of us will be thinking about the best ways to make our fellow loved ones feel special on this day. Whether you're sending them flowers at work, or making them their favourite meal, you might be forgetting to take care of the most important person you know - you!

Work can be stressful for everyone, so it's important that this Valentines day you remember to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Don't let anything or anyone make you feel inferior, here are some great little things you can do to be kinder to yourself at work and be kind to others.

1) Everyone makes mistakes!

It doesn't matter how long you've been doing your job or even how good you are at it, mistakes will always happen. Whether they're big ones, smalls ones, things you should know or didn't, mistakes should always be treated as a learning curve. However, that's not the case for some people.

We can all be hard on ourselves when we've made a mistake and that can lower our self confidence and make us feel bad. Instead of having harsh words with yourself, maybe just accept you've made the mistake and look at ways to learn from it. Negativity will only make matters worse.

2) It's ok to have a break

Hands up if you're one of those people that always say "I'm going to book a holiday" but never do? Whether it's a holiday getaway or even something as simple as a proper lunch break, you need to learn to sometimes say no to things and take time out for you.

Nothing will ever get accomplished if you don't take time out for yourself and relax. Either book a holiday, switch off your phone and go for a walk during lunch. Anything you can do to calm down your mind and give yourself a break!

3) Lunch it up

It doesn't matter what you do or how much you love your job, everyone looks forward to lunchtime and at least tries to make time for it. Nothing beats having a great lunch either at your desk or out with your colleague.

Trade those sad sandwiches for a treat that'll perk you up a bit. Everyone deserves a little something now and again, so why not treat yourself?

4) Clean your workspace

To many people cleaning your desk will sound like the worst way you could ever really take care of yourself at work. But according to the Harvard Business Review, a cluttered desk can have significant impact on productivity. Having a messy desk isn't a great way to look after yourself either, how could you concentrate with all the chaos on your desk? Do yourself a favour and get your desk organised!

5) Positive vibes only

Ok this one might be difficult as you can't really choose who you work with, but there are ways where you can make it work. No one likes being around negative nancy's all the time, so another way to take care of yourself at work is by surrounding yourself with good people that lift and encourage you - not the opposite.

You don't always have to take care of everyone, when you surround yourself with good people they can take care of you!

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